East Coast Lumber Co.
155 Ramage Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

Phone 412-931-4109

Fax 412-931-7359

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Jequetiba Rosa

Common Name: Jequetiba Rosa
Scientific Name: Carinlana Ieralis
Family: Lecythidaceae

General Characteristics:
Light wood and soft to cutting; core generally pinkish-chestnut or pinkish-beige, or also dark pinkish-beige, eventually with brownish shades; little differentiated alburnum, light-beige; right grain; medium texture, uniform; surface irregularly shined and lightly rough to the touch; smell unnoticeable.

Main Uses:
The Jequitiba-Rosa wood, because it is light, of a pleasant color, easy to work and with mechanical properties from medium to low, can be used for plywood, veneer, furniture and frames, interior finishing, shoe heels, clogs, toys and pencils, etc.


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