East Coast Lumber Co.
155 Ramage Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

Phone 412-931-4109

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Common Name: Angelim (Vermelho and Claro)
Scientific Name: Vatairea Heteroptera Ducke
Family: Fabaceae

General Characteristics:
Heavy wood and hard to cut; chestnut-yellow core when just polished, darkening towards dark chestnut-yellowish with exposure to air, differentiated from the alburnum of a white-pinkish coloration, with approximately 4 cm in width; thick texture; unnoticeable smell; accentuated fibrous aspect.

Main Uses:
Angelim wood, because it is heavy and possesses high mechanical properties, can be used in interior finishing, outdoor buildings, sashes, frames, veneer, parquet, floorboards, wagons, truck bodies, railway sleepers.














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Angelim Jequetiba Rosa Marupa
Cedrorana Jatoba Itauba
Cedrinho Cerejeira Cedro







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