East Coast Lumber Co.
155 Ramage Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

Phone 412-931-4109

Fax 412-931-7359

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Common Name: Cedrorana
Scientific Name: Cedrelinga Catenaeformis Ducke
Family: Leguminosae

General Characteristics:
Moderately heavy wood (640 kg/m3); clear tonality; pinkish alburnum and brownish-pink core; thick texture; right or reverse grain, unpleasant smell when humid; flat to touch; easy to work, it receives very attractive finish. It's easy to saw, to smooth, to preach and to screw. When treated with steam, solid pieces can be curved or bent.

Main Uses:
Cedrorana wood is used in carpentry, civil construction, cheap pieces of furniture, wood boxes, floors, wainscoting, pallets, intern naval construction, etc.

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